Afraid His Horses
Release date: July 12, 2024

Sinuhe Torres, aka Afraid His Horses, has released a beautiful conceptual Ep entitled, Sueño. Afraid His Horses does a great job imagining the different stages of sleep, recreating them in sound. A simple melody from a Volca Modular gets things going, followed by full modular pieces where you can feel sleep progress. The music then takes on a more frantic role and becomes evermore warped, abstract, and drenched in delay. By the fourth track, we are serenaded with gorgeous glass-like percussion that slowly turns into a drone. Track 6 is an ambient song that becomes lighter and floaty as though it will vanish in a fog. Finally, there is the outro piece, made up of a piano processed through the modular.
This definitely isn't an album to put you to sleep. The liveliness of the songs may represent sleep but they in no way induce it.
The album was mostly recorded using eurorack modular. His case is made up mainly of Make Noise modules with the QPAS and the Mimeophon as the heart of the system. About the track that uses the Volca Modular, Torres said that it was his gateway drug into modular.
oh my... Thanks for the reviw Bill! Glad to know you enjoyed the EP...