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I'm Johno Wells. I created Modular World in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic as I saw all our synth societies operating separately but not connected to each other beyond likes and follows on social media, which continues to disappoint me regarding authentic connections.
I wanted to create a way for us to play on the same stage with each other and build the kind of genuine connections that can make a scene really last. I spend a lot of time on long zoom calls with artists and makers all over the globe. If we're going to work together in any capacity, we're going to have a little rapport.

I've been a musician my whole life. I started with classical piano lessons as a kid and then played in alternative and punk bands in the mid-late 80s and early 90s.
I was a fan of electronic music, but I hadn't wanted to make electronic music until I heard Autechre and Aphex Twin in the mid-90s.
So, I put down the guitars, and it became all software synths and a humble MIDI studio until I discovered modular synthesis in 2018.
Now, with software and music is a mad blend of it all.

Ok, on to the Modular World Mission Statement.

  • Link to Johno Wells music on Bandcamp
  • Link to Johno Wells on YouTube
  • Link to Johno Wells on Instagram

"I believe mission statements should be live documents, ready to be changed and adjusted with the times or with the culture of the project. I've done this a few times in the show's history, as I could tell things needed to be added or omitted. Please enjoy the latest iteration of my mission statement for the Modular World project.
I've put a lot of work into it."

-Johno Wells


Modular World welcomes performers from all over the globe to join in curated live-stream events showcasing the unique art form of modular synthesis - and even more - the people involved in its community and keeping its scene alive.
Modular World is here to set the tone for giving a voice and opportunities to musicians and makers alike in a world of too many voices where talent and innovations are often lost in the shuffle of it all. 
This project is a safe space and is about artists helping artists.
We are genuinely interested in you - Whoever you are. 



Opportunities for artists on the show and also on this site often come in the shape of performing live for the first time, or taking a leap to participate in something larger than their bedroom studio. Or maybe taking a stab at writing a music review as a guest writer on the site, or maybe just taking the first leap to be on a global stage sharing their ideas for the first time.
Finding these artists and shining light on them is 100% the core of what you are looking at right now in this project.

The show has been jokingly (lovingly, right?) called the "happiest place in modular", and if that makes you want to barf, well, this whole project might not be your jam. That's ok, too. When you change your mind, hit me up and we'll get you on a show. Sorry, back to the mission statement.

All musical genres are welcome. We're genuinely interested in YOU, your story, and what you do--whether it's making sounds or making instruments, or software, or anything interesting.

Yes, we are modular-centric because we love the artform, but we're not exclusive. Read that twice, please.
Pretentious gate-keeping about gear or otherwise, and policing others' artistry of any kind has no place near this show.

Speaking of the show, you will see it all...eurorack, Buchla, Serge, and so many varieties of 4U, hybrid systems, midi controllers, computers, Max, Jitter, TouchDesigner, Elektron boxes, drum machines, acoustic instruments, and much more.
For you modular-only purists, I love you too, and want you on the show, but Modular World might be a bitter pill to swallow. (Obviously, I recommend two pills.)
This global community is about making music and maintaining an inclusive, patient, helpful SAFE SPACE for all. Welcome home!​

If you'd like to read a little more, here is the in-depth interview I did with Modular Bias where we go deep with Modular World history, and core ethos.


© 2024 Modular World

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