Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself on this new platform. I'm Jared (a.k.a. Ice Locus) from the icy heart of Canada. I started composing in 2018 and got into modular in 2020. Since then I went down a rabbit hole of synths, sampling, and audiovisual art. I released my first album in 2021 called "Beyond the Loci". In 2023 I used TouchDesigner and samples I recorded while whale watching in the Canadian North to create my first planetarium-type fulldome short film called "Flight of the Space Beluga". Then earlier this year I was exploring hooking up brain sensors to my Eurorack system. After a few month break from making music due to unexpected life events, now I'm dreaming up some other musical ideas (though I'm not sure what final form they'll take).
Thanks to @Johno Wells for creating this new space to share in. I'm looking forward to being inspired by this global community of artists!
Jared (Ice Locus)
Jared! You are officially the first post. I believe you were also the FIRST supporter of Modular World on Patreon and the FIRST to order from the merch store. Unbelievable. Much love, man.