I saw this pop-up on my YouTube side-bar (above), and it devoured about 45 min of my time, until I had to pause the video and make sure you all knew about this fantastic interview with Morton Subotnik - it's that good. I don't want to drone on--so I'll just include the text from the description on YouTube.

"Composer and electronic music pioneer Morton Subotnick offers some background and insights into his work with the famed Buchla 100, which he used to create the genre-defining album "Silver Apples of the Moon." If you haven't heard of Silver Apples, this is a really important day for you!
Seriously, take a moment to learn about what was happening in the San Francisco Bay area from 1962-1966 with the San Francisco Tape Music Center.
Recently restored, Subotnick's original Buchla 100 will be on display and some of its many possible sounds demonstrated by the members of the MEMS Project. The Buchla 100 was restored as part of a broader "knowledge exchange and innovation funding" project funded by University College London.
This was a collaboration between Andrew Northrop (film and media technician at the Slade School of Fine Art), the Library of Congress and the MEMS Project (Chip Flynn and Mark Milanovich).
This project saw the repair of the Buchla 100 as an opportunity to extensively research and document the unique and historic equipment, with high resolution photographs of each module and a short documentary created as part of its output.
The repair was carried out in March of 2024."
"Morton Subotnick and the Buchla 100"
Johno Wells, 12-22-24
just watched it! that is so cool! thanks for posting this... what i would do to spend some time with those cats mark and chip and pick their brains. im glad they did this so we can hear mortons story.