Foxendeavor is new to me. I think we need to get them on the show. I stumbled over this one posted on Facebook today and thought I'd give it a listen.
...And then I became an instant fan. It's a great creative patch, simple but clean and coherent. Well done.

Here's what the artist says in the desc. on YT: "Quad Gamut Repetitor sequences into quad inputs of Doepfer a-111-4.
Feeding each output of Noise Engineering Gamut Repetitor into each oscillator of the Doepfer a-111-4 and then into Rabid Elephant Natural Gate for a slow-evolving generative ambient song with a wobbly ending.
Finally, it all ends with the Intellijel Sealegs."
Again, well done Foxendeavor. It's clever stuff and a great listen, too.