I know I just wrote about this show, but I keep going back to it to watch this set, or that set again, and I wanted to make sure you all had all the links to follow and support (when you can) these artists. They are incredible. Another thing I'd love to see people do is to reach out and say HEY I saw you on MW and your set was dope. I do this all the time and highly recommend it. I see old comments I wrote years ago on Ben's (DivKid) or Alex's (Mylar) channels reaching out and it makes me smile. And cringe a little.
Anyway--here are the links to socials and bandcamps for the Beijing show.
Oh, and again-if you missed this show - START HERE.
Meng Qi & Li Bo
Twitter: @mengqimusic
Twitter: @thruoutin
Li Yanzeng
Chen Wei
Leng Leng